Monthly Archives: September 2011

22, A Blessed Birthday


Last week was my 22nd birthday and it was a wonderful day!

The day pretty much started with lunch at our favorite local spot, Cafe Cappuccino. Since Elliot had to work, I figured that I would spend the afternoon hanging out with Birdie and maybe finish reading the Help until he got home to go to dinner. Little did I know I had surprises in store!

As Elliot was driving away from lunch, he had me open my first card which sent me to get a manicure and pedicure (the first since our wedding)! It was so nice and relaxing, I love getting my nails done! Then, I was sent to hang out with some of the best friends and sweetest little girls (Abby, Chelsea, Adele and Carter) for a few hours! We had fun and they even baked me birthday cupcakes!

I thought I was done with the scavenger hunt of surprises because it was already five and Elliot would be off work but it turned out that there was more.. There was a gift card to the mall hidden in my car! I got to go shop for an hour and bought some jewelry and a cute top! Then I was headed home.

When I got there, my sweet husband was cooking away. He made bruschetta with garlic bread and salmon with and orange salsa and it was delicious! I had such a special birthday at the hands of my thoughtful husband. I will always remember this first birthday of marriage (and the beginning of my old age) as a great one!

Birdie is Ready for Winter!


How beautiful has the weather been lately? I love fall!

Some friends gave us this hat for Birdie and we will all welcome the colder weather as it comes!

In other Birdie news: She has graduated from staying in her crate while we are away to staying in the house. Freedom! We are excited for her!

September, a Wonderful Month


I am so sorry it has been SO long since I posted! There is no real reason but things have definitely picked up in the Lee household.

Since I last wrote.. My wisdom teeth were successfully removed and my sweet mom came down for a few days to take care of me. The surgery went better than I could have imagined and I didn’t even swell! It was such a blessing to have that time to spend with my mom here in Waco and Birdie liked it too! Miss Birdie Lee is growing daily and losing teeth as well. Which is gross. And causes her to chew things more and more.. Yesterday, I walked in on her chewing on our computer charger! Not chewing, destroying. It was in two pieces by the time I reached it!

School has begun which is making my life busier. I am really enjoying my classes so far and feel like I have already learned a lot which is a good indicator that this semester will be fruitful. I have an internship at Baylor in the graduate sociology research center which I am so excited about! I am working with graduate students as well as professors in the department and in addition, also the deans of the grad school and the school of arts and sciences! Talk about successful sociology folks! I love it! I will be doing research for my professor and conducting experiments in the lab on human behavior as well as working for clients and surveying the people of Waco for the purposes set out by said clients.

Elliot has traveled twice so far for his job. He enjoyed good food, a golf store that had its own range out back, Joel Olsteen’s mega-church and more on his outings in Houston! He also worked of course, but I am excited to visit him during his time there in October. Hopefully there will be Korean food, good shopping and sweet times with my husband!

I am amazed at how fast time is going right now. We have been married for almost 9 months! I realize, in the grand scheme of things, that isn’t a long time but truly, it has been such a blessed time already of learning to trust God and love one another. I feel so blessed. God is so good and faithful! It is amazing how his hand is present and working in our lives and how he has revealed that through the past four years. Four years ago, I was a senior in high school and Elliot a freshman at Baylor. Things were so different but God was working in both of us, preparing us for the life we would go through during the next few years, preparing us for now.

We went to the Baylor game last night, yes the one where WE BEAT TCU! WHat a huge win for our Bears! It was an exciting and fun game and a great way to start the season! Elliot and I agreed that it was the most excited we had ever been at a Baylor football game! I know this fall will be a good one, even if Baylor doesn’t keep it up..