Monthly Archives: March 2017

Baby Bump #3 Week 23


Not sure how often I will be posting on the blog two kids (and a half) in two years will do that to you 🙂 but I wanted to document what I can of this pregnancy like I have in the past.. So here it goes more than halfway through:  

Baby Lee is the size of an eggplant!

I knew I was pregnant this week when: I’ve been wearing maternity clothes exclusively for about a month now but the last few weeks my back has started aching and the dreaded tailbone pain has resurfaced.

How are you feeling? Really great other than the minor back stuff and my tailbone being sore. I am getting tired at the end of each day earlier than usual but we have also been going to the zoo a lot so that definitely has something to do with it 🙂

Maternity Clothes? Yes.

Gender: we decided not to find out this time! It is really so much fun not knowing although I am definitely curious. I can’t wait for the moment when he/she finally debuts and we will know boy or girl but for now, not knowing is half the fun!

Food Cravings? chocolate cupcakes, ice cream, popsicles

Movement? Yes! Gotta love those little jabs

Belly Button in or out? Soon to pop.

Labor Signs? n/a

Anything I miss? Not needing to empty my bladder as much and being more comfortable when I sleep. And my normal clothes. Third time around in these bad boys and I’m ready for my normal wardrobe again.

Best moment this week: Pax and Winna are getting to such a sweet spot in their playtimes together. I just love how they love each other! A lot of the time the rough-housing turns to tears but not as much lately which has been refreshing. I am also thankful to be having nice weather (finally) and to be feeling good during this blessed second trimester!