Monthly Archives: October 2014

Three Months of Pax



I cannot believe three months have already gone by! So much has changed even just in the last month!


Pax is so much more alert and interactive. He giggles and smiles all the time, such a cheerful baby! He has started to pay attention to books and has even started to notice his own reflection in the mirror. We spend most of our days on the quilt in the living room reading and hanging out.


He has also started to drool all the time as well as spit up quite a bit.. Bibs have become our best friends and both mom and baby go through a couple of outfits each day. It’s okay though, all signs of growth and development!


He is wearing 3-6 month clothes now and we are cloth diapering pretty much all the time. He still sleeps well and goes to sleep around 8 waking at 1am, 5am, and 8am then going back to sleep until around 11am. He usually takes one or two good naps throughout the day as well. We are still swaddling at night (something I’m hoping to phase out in the next month or so) but his arms usually escape and that’s when he wakes himself up.


What a joy this baby is! We can’t wait to watch as God continues to grow and shape our little one!

Two Months of Pax



Paxon’s second month has been full of adventure. We travelled to Oklahoma on his first plane ride and even took a 4 hour road trip to Amarillo to visit some family! He’s been such a trooper and joy the entire trip!


At his 2 month checkup on September 16th he weighed 12 lbs 13 oz (75th percentile) and was 22.8 inches long (40th percentile). I know, what a chunk!


He now only wakes up once a night between 3am and 5am. He will then go back to sleep until 9am or 10am and them be up until his marathon afternoon nap which lasts anywhere between 2 and 4 hours. He then gets a bit grumpy and is usually in bed around 8pm.


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He has really started to giggle and talk this month and he smiles all the time. He especially likes when Elliot and I talk to him and engage in animated conversation with him. He is such a sweetie!


And have I mentioned this kid loves attention? While visiting Oklahoma, he has been passed around and doted on more times than I can count and he has LOVED it. He’s never met a smiley person or a ceiling fan he didn’t like!
