Monthly Archives: August 2015

Baby Bump Week 20


Baby Lee is the size of a banana!

I knew I was pregnant this week when: I realized that we are halfway there already! How is this possible? At this rate it feels like she will be here tomorrow. Luckily, pregnancy is the gift that keeps on giving: sore back, swollen ankles and heartburn all seem to make time go slower and slower. By the end you’re like, “how is it that there are still two weeks left? I’m dying over here!).

How are you feeling? Good! We went on vacation to Lake Michigan and really enjoyed just laying on the beach. I’m  pretty tired from these same endeavors and my lower back has started to be sore consistently.

Maternity Clothes? Yes and becoming more and more necessary. My summer shorts are still a bit big but I’m getting to the point where non-maternity no longer looks right.

Food Cravings? Meh not really. I’m being much less healthy this pregnancy than last.. bread products sound the best (I wish I craved vegetables..)

Movement? She is a squirmy thing! I can see her movement from the outside quite a bit now.

Belly Button in or out? In for now.

Anything I miss? Fitting into all of my clothes. I didn’t appreciate being able to fit into all of my pre-Pax clothes after having him but now I’m wondering (again) if I’ll ever make it back there ha!

What I’m looking forward to this week: getting back into the swing of things after vacation (and just after the first part of pregnancy in general). First on the list: cook something for your family gosh darn it!