Monthly Archives: May 2013

Our New Kentucky Home


ky house
We finally made it! After a crazy few weeks and a two-day road trip, we are here and mostly moved in to our new house!

It has been an interesting week of transitioning into and exploring our new city. For the first few nights, I woke up wondering where in the world we were only to realize that we were in our new house in Kentucky.
ky home 2

It is definitely hard being in a new place; unknown people, new grocery stores, needing a GPS to get around, feeling far from home.. But it is also exciting! There is so much to do here and so many really awesome restaurants! It is also beautiful and so green, Birdie is loving it! And you will never guess where our neighbor went to college.. BAYLOR! What a small world we live in!
ky home 3

All in all, we like it here and it is going to be a fun city to live in. Even though it still feels foreign, it is starting to feel more like home. We are looking forward to see what all God has in store for us and know that by moving here, we have followed his call.

Moving Days


Packing and moving and unpacking.. is not fun. But, it’s one of those necessary evils that must occur to move from one place to another.. and so we did it!
On moving day the Pershall’s and Becky and Avery came over to say one last goodbye. It was weird leaving Waco knowing that we wouldn’t be coming back for a long time.

While all of our belongings were in transit to Louisville, we stopped in Norman for a few days to see family. It was so good to be with family during the time of transition.
Love these sillies..

And after a few days in Norman, we loaded up the car and headed to off to our new home!

Our Last Days in Waco


We were so sad to say goodbye to our community and church in Waco last week. God blessed us so incredibly with loving and encouraging friends there and we miss them sorely. The last couple of weeks in Texas were crazy as we prepared to move halfway across the country with 4 weeks notice, but we were able to say goodbye and finish our time there well.

We loved our church, FBC Woodway, and the friends we served alongside there. God blessed Elliot with two years of serving as the college worship pastor and we saw the Holy Spirit move in incredible ways during that time. IMG_0896

We got to have lunch with our good friends the Bogguses, Pershalls and Criners. These three couples and their little girls have had profound impacts on us and we will always consider them to be treasured friends. IMG_0939IMG_0933
