Monthly Archives: November 2014

4 Months of Pax


4 months (1 of 1)

Now that I’m four months old, I’ve decided to take over the monthly updates. No offense to Mom, but the first three were BO-RING.. Who can really blame her though? I mean she did have me to take care of and the poor thing was worn out. We will forgive her.

4 months (1 of 1)-2

This month was pretty big as far as my development goes. I’m still slobbering and spitting up on everything. This trick is really just my way of making sure that Mom and I get to wear lots of different outfits each day. I’m also blowing bubbles and talking and screaming a lot! I haven’t turned over in tummy time yet, which makes my parents feel as though I’m behind others my age but really, I think it has more to do with my extremely short torso inhibiting my movement. I’m sure I’ll lengthen out a bit in the coming month and start moving and grooving like I should.

4 months (1 of 1)-4

I finally laughed. This is now, by far the easiest way to make my parents happy. If Mom is having a bad day I flash her a toothless grin accompanied by a giggle and boom, bad day better. If Dad just changed one of the stinkier diapers and is having to deal with the cloth diaper contraptions Mom insists on putting me in, bam, his troubles melt away.

4 months (1 of 1)-3

I will say, I’ve been a challenging sleeper this month. Because of my ever flattening head, my parents decided to go cold-turkey and take away my swaddle. I took a few good naps the first day just to mess with them but really, it was my worst week of sleep since week one. This new found ability to move my arms while sleeping caused many a sleepless night.. After a week of this craziness, I’m back to being swaddled and boy, do I sleep like a baby.

4 months (1 of 1)-5

This month was also a challenge because Mom got sick with mastitis. I’m not really sure what this is but I know it has to do with feeding me. It was a bummer, but I learned that Dad is a pretty fun alternative to Mom during the day. He took a whole day off from school and played me guitar, fed me and we watched basketball together. I do hope I get taller so that I can one day play the sport..

On that note, I am 15 lbs. 12 oz. (68th percentile) and 24.5 inches long (20th percentile).

I am wearing:
3-6 month clothes
Size 2 disposable diapers at night and still on the smallest “setting” of the cloth diapers