Monthly Archives: July 2014

Paxon’s Birth



My water broke at 10:45 on Saturday night just like in the movies. I had gotten up to take Birdie outside and had just reached the door when suddenly, I was standing in a puddle. Elliot was on the phone and I stood there waiting for him to get off and when he didn’t, decided to go ahead and call him over. He said he knew something was up because I usually wouldn’t interrupt a phone call. So, he came into our entry way to see me standing in the puddle. We were both so surprised! Not only was I ten days early but I hadn’t had any serious contractions yet. I called our midwife while still standing in the puddle and she said that since I wasn’t in labor to go ahead and get some rest. What?! We knew that our little guy would be here in the next day or so, how could we sleep? We were so dumbfounded and excited, it was finally happening! I’ll never forget the next couple of hours we spent together, knowing that we would soon have our baby boy.

Elliot was able to drift off to sleep but I had started having mild contractions and timed them for a while at about 8 minutes apart. I went out in the living room to lay down and try to rest in between each one. I’m guessing that it was around 4am that the contractions started getting intense. I was praying through each one asking God to be my strength and apologizing for being fallen like Eve :). At 5am The contractions were really intense and coming pretty quickly. I woke Elliot up and he started timing them and getting our birth tub all set up. The contractions were about 4 minutes apart and varying in length so when we called the midwife to update her, she figured we had a while to go. After that phone call, all I remember was one giant contraction. I now know that I was in transition at that point but at the time I had no idea. Elliot was trying to encourage me to not wear myself out since labor is usually a more of a marathon and not a sprint but I was understandably having a hard time doing so!

I started getting the urge to push with each contraction, which I will say was such a relief from the pain I had been in before. Elliot called the midwife, still thinking we had a while to go and when she heard me in the background, she said she was on her way. After a few pushing contractions, Elliot saw the baby’s head starting to peek through and hurriedly finished filling the tub just in time to get me in before the entire head was out. At this point our midwife was not there yet but the baby wasn’t waiting on anyone! His head came out under the water and then his shoulders. He sat there for a minute and opened his eyes under water. One more contraction and he was out! Elliot scooped him up out of the water and onto my chest, we couldn’t believe that he was finally here! He cried immediately and Elliot checked the time. 7:40am, only about 4 hours since I started having painful contractions! Our midwife ran in five minutes later and couldn’t believe that our little guy had beat her here!

Even though it sounds like a crazy story and it certainly was an intense 4 hours, we couldn’t have asked for a more perfect way to welcome our child into the world. Not every dad can say that they delivered their own son in their own home, but he did and all is well. Praise The Lord for his goodness and for our sweet little Pax!

Paxon James Domyoung Lee, welcome to our world! You’ve already brought us such joy!






Our Time as Just Two


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We’re about to welcome a third little soul into our world of just two. I can’t fathom how much we will adore the little man that is beginning the chapter of our lives with kids, the chapter that will never really end, the chapter that makes us parents forever. But in these last weeks or days before he arrives, I am praising our gracious God for the incredible, adventurous, formidable, and fruitful run that we have had so far.

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Sweet Husband, God has been so good to us and I would never trade our first seven years together for anything. Let us rejoice now as God enriches our lives even more and entrusts us with one of his children.

Baby Bump Week 38



Wow, how did we suddenly get to this point? This season of being prego certainly has come with its ups and downs but for me, it has been one of the sweetest seasons yet in my life and marriage. God is good, folks!

Baby Lee is the size of a pumpkin. Thank you very much.

I knew I was pregnant this week when: I realized that I have been having contractions off and on for over a week! And they’re getting more frequent and more crampy feeling.

How are you feeling? Apprehensive and excited. And tired, of course.

Maternity Clothes? I’m ready for my old wardrobe..

Gender: it’s a boy!

Food Cravings? I’ve been wanting meat which is so not like me. I wonder if my body is wanting some protein to get me through the last couple of weeks and labor?

Movement? Oh yes. The chiropractor mentioned that even though he is sitting really low, his legs and butt are still up really high in my ribs (fun for all..). Sounds like a pretty long baby to me! We will have to see his stats when he’s born.

Belly Button in or out? Pretty much popped.

Labor Signs? My stomach gets hard and tight thus bringing on a non-painful but uncomfortable contraction. It mostly feels like really mild cramps at this point.

Anything I miss? Energy, I wish I had more. And good sleep. Poor Elliot, he misses good sleep too!

Best moment this week: it’s my last week of work! I’ve also been working on a few craft projects to go in the nursery and we’ve been putting the finishing touches on the new apartment.

Baby Bump Week 37



Baby Lee is the size of a winter melon.

I knew I was pregnant this week when: oh man, when have I not felt pregnant? Starting at 36 weeks I’ve felt pretty uncomfortable and just ready for the little guy to be here.

How are you feeling? Aside from not sleeping well, heartburn, exhaustion and swelling I’ve felt okay 🙂

Maternity Clothes? Running low but I can’t justify buying anything at this point. He could literally be here any day!

Gender: it’s a boy!

Food Cravings? Black bean tacos have been my go-to meal when I’m at home and Elliot’s at work. This kid is going to come out liking Mexican food!

Movement? I think he’s running out of room in there so the movements have changed a bit. Hopefully he’s dropping down so his surroundings are changing and he’s following the light on out of there!

Belly Button in or out? Pretty much popped.

Labor Signs? He’s starting to drop which doesn’t mean labor is coming any time soon but it is a sign that things are moving along!

Anything I miss? It’s starting to be a little bit of everything.. Sleeping well, not peeing every ten minutes, being able to move the way I used to, not having to roll out of bed sideways, margaritas.. I’m starting to forget what it’s like not to be pregnant!

Best moment this week: It’s finally July! Even though he could be born in August, it’s the due date month and the one we’ve been anticipating since November. June 1st was surreal because the we were getting so close, but July has come and I’m just relieved and so ready for him to join us!