One Month of Winna


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Welcome to the world, me. This first month of life has been pretty nice, albeit cold. I guess that’s what happens when you are born in January.. I was born two days late, which I hear surprised everyone. Sorry you missed the tax deduction, but I was just demonstrating my content, laid back temperament and felt no need to rush. It seems like a good thing that I waited until the new year too! Had I been born in December I would have to share my birthday month with my dad, uncle, AND Jesus as well as my parent’s anniversary and Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Now, I have a month of my very own!

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I really am very laid back and mostly enjoy being held and eating. I am an eating champ and took to the boob like a moth to a flame, hence the quick weight gain I have experienced. No worries, I’m sure I will start crawling soon enough and work off some of the extra poundage. For now, I will take it as a compliment when people say that I am “healthy,” and enjoy the fact that I am so glamorous as to wear each newborn outfit only once.

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My big brother welcomed me with kisses and smacks. Even though I am on my way to being bigger than him, he has the upper hand right now and has even sat on me! I’m a tough cookie though and don’t let his physical aggression bother me too much, I know that he loves me.



Mom has enjoyed having a girl to dress but someone has got to remind her that I need bows when we leave the house! The poor woman forgets almost every day, which I wouldn’t mind so much if I wasn’t bald.. On that note let’s ask why my brother was born with a full head of hair and I, a girl, nothing? One of the many questions I have yet to get answered about this new world. Maybe next month I will know..

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At my one month check-up I weighed 11 lbs. (87%) (up from 7.6 birth weight) and was 21.8 inches long (65%).
At the end of my first month I am wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes and size one diapers.

Monthly Pax minute:

Mom says that even though it might not be fair, I have to update you on my big bro too. Second child problems..

Pax is 18 months old and talking up a storm! He knows my name and is always excited to see me! He is a great sleeper and an okay eater. We are still working with him on the whole veggie thing. At his 18 month appointment he weighed 24.7 lbs (40th %). He is wearing size 5 diapers and 18-24 month clothes.

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